Looking for ways to stay engaged in the political process? We've got you covered!
use our Legislative Directory to call on your representatives (& the Rules Committee Members listed on the right) to support HB 3343 for Campaign Finance Reform!
Host an Indivisible Deadline for Democracy Event
We need to increase the urgency and tell our US Senators to pass real, inclusive Democracy Reform now!
Indivisible, Declaration for American Democracy Coalition, Stand Up America, End Citizens United, and other organizations are coming together for a major recess escalation. We’re calling it Deadline for Democracy and asking you to join us by planning visible, public, press-worthy events (think rallies and signs outside of your senator’s office) to tell Senators - Democrats and Republicans alike - that the American people are showing up to demand a democracy for the people and we need them to act urgently now, no excuses.
Use the COIN Directory to find & join your local Indivisible group
If you're not sure which group to join, you can Contact Us & we'll help route you to the best group (or groups, you don't have to pick just one!)
It's never too soon to work for a better future.
You're encouraged to sign up to volunteer for Senator Wyden's work to hold and grow our Democratic majority in the US Senate!